dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2016

My personal thought

What did you learn?
I learnt different assessment techniques, which are the advantadges and the disavantadges of each one, in what moment  we can use them, etc. This module was really usefull and complete because the assessment it’s a really important part of the process.

How did you learn?
I learnt through the information, videos and examples provides. And I also learnt a lot doing the tasks.

Do you have any problem?
I didn’t have any problem but I think is one of the most difficult parts of the unit plan. It’s hard to know how to evaluate, what evaluate, when because exists a lot of possibilities and is an individually progress that each student do it in a different ways or time.

Would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject?
Yes, of course. As I said this is a huge concept so it’s necessary go deep and learn more about that in order to do it the best way as possible. It’s necessary that teacher become aware of which are the best options in the assessment and how can do it respecting the individual differences.

Which question do you propose to someone who read this post to help you with CLIL?
I will propose him/her to give me some more ideas about assessment techniques and excange with me some personal experiences.

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