diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

Communicative skills

These are the communicartive skills that pupils are going to needand use along the unit plan:

CALP (Content Language)

Nouns: Country, borders, north, south, west, east, culture, food, celebrations, population, millions, currency, city, town, countryside, urban, climate, temperature, degrees, flag, region, area, landscape, sea, ocean, mountain, river, forest, trees, lake, name of the Europeans' countries in English.

Adjectives: Big, small, medium, huge, far, near, large, close, beautiful, noisy, quiet, calm, warm, cold, high, low, up, down.

- Superlatives and comparatives: the most, bigger than / the biggest, smaller than / the smallest, the best, the worst, better than…, worse than…
- Position prepositions: between... and..., next to..., ... is in...
- Countable uncontable: there is a..., there are...
- Verb to be and verb to have: …is... /…are..., this is…, … have/has...
- Present simple: we can see…,  we can imagine…
- Articles and connectors: … and…, but…, also, too…, the… of…

BIC (Basic Interpersonal Language)

Can you repeat it please?, Can I ask you something?, I have a question, I don’t understand that, How do you say… in English?, What is the meaning of …?, What we have to do?, Could you help me?, May I help you?, Can we do it in pairs/groups?, Can we do it at home?, Which activities we have to do?, What we have to look for?, Can I serach it on…?, Can we use…?, What materials we are going to need?, Can we start?, When can we do it?, Can we do it in this way?, Can you explain me…?, Can I tell you something?, What do you mean?

Language Through Scaffolded Language

In my opinion…, I think…, This is..., Because..., Maybe..., What do you think?, What is your opinion?, Why do you say that?, Can you explain that?, Are you agree?, I agree / I not agree, Please pay attention, Could you help me, please?, I understand your point of view but I think..., Can I add something?, How do you do that?, Who has the same opinion as me?, Can you argue that?, Which ideas do you have?, I’m going to explain what I found / think, I think like you, I share the same ideas as you, I’m not an expert but..., According to...

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