diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

Cooperative learning

The class organitzation is about six cooperative groups of four people each one. There are also two of the cooperative techniques we are going to use during the unit plan

Cooperative Learning Technique 1: Jigsaw.
Task you are going to work: Pupils are going to search information about an European conuntry.  Each student is going to have a different role inside the group (spokesperson, secretary, moderator...).
At the same time they are going to get speciallized in one area of that country like geography and climate, culture and food, demography, popullation and currency, politics and flag, etc. In this way each kid is going to become an expert of some content related with the main topic which they are studing.

Cooperative Learning Technique 2: Round Robin.
Task you are going to work: Pupils are going to explain and share through turns to their group the information that he/she found from the country they are investigating.
This tecnique has to be implemented after the jigsaw technique. After this technique all the students of the group are going to know about one Europan country because all the kids are going to have the opportunity to share and express something new with their mates (opinions, ideas...).
At the same time they explain all the new contents, they are learning too because they have to remember what they learned and use an specific vocabulary. Sometimes is esay to understand something if somebody else explain it to you instead of read the information in a book.

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