diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

My personal thought

What did you learn?
I learnt to identify which communicative skills pupils need to develop or use during this unit plan. I also leared some cooperative techniques to develop in my classes in order to promote a cooperative work and learning. I learnt how to create an useful display to use in my lessons according to the contents I want to teach. Finally I learnt to think about the KWL chart and the needs that my students can have

How did you learn?
I lerant through the theory and all the activities that I had to do.

Do you have any problem?
Apparently  didn't had any problem.

Would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject?
Yes, I would like to know more about  displays and how to design this kind of material. I think it's so important to have an accurate material and an useful too. In this way students can have some supports that are going to let them be more autonomous with their work because their are going to believe in their possibilities and their succes.

Which question do you propose to someone who read this post to help you with CLIL?
I will say that I accept all kind of opinions because I would like to improve my task as a teacher.

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