diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

The KWL chart

What do my students know about the topic befote I started the unit?
What do I want my student to learn along this unit?
What have my students learnt at the end of this unit?

- Which are the European countries; their name and their capitals.

- The main characteristics of each country: location, population, language, currency, culture, food, custom...

-  Understand concepts and apply them.

- Use and interpret globes, atlases and maps. 

- Use different sources of information.

- Describe the main characteristics of each European country and identify them in a mute map.

-  Carry out independent research and investigation: search, organize and synthesize information.

- Cooperate in group work.

- Use ICT tools to support and complete the work.

- The Europeans' politic geography and the countries' organization.

- The differences between Europeans' countries (landscape, food, culture, currency…).

- The existence of  the multiculturalism  and the multiples ways of living.

- How to cooperate in group.

- The value of others' people work.

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