dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2016

My Unit Planning. Step 4 Law aspects

  • Linguistic competence: Students are goint to adquire linguistic skills to exposes a content (in an oral and writting way), participate in a discussions, share ideas/opinions, listen the other people…
  • Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology: Puplis are going to know and talk about populations (high numbers), population density, currency, etc.
  • Digital competence: Kids are going to search information on Internet. They are also going to create a presentation through Power Point, Prezzi... or other tecnological posssibilities.
  • Learning to learn: Children are going to work individually in groups… using different methodologies and ways to get the information. They will have to find information, understand it, communicat it, contrast it with their partners and expose it.
  • Social and civic competences: Pupils will work in a cooperative groups so that means they have to work in their own way but at the same time they will be part of a group. They have to respect and help the other people to get the common aims.
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship: As an autonomous students they will have to have personal initiative that helps them to transform their ideas into an actions, undertake and evaluate individual and collective projects.
  • Cultural awareness and expression: All the kids through the work about the other countries they are going to be able to understant, percept and respect other cultural realities and ways of living.

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