diumenge, 18 de desembre del 2016

Final reflection about the course

3 things I have learnt:
- Which things I have to take in account when I want to develop a CLIL unit plan.
- New resourches I can use (editon programs, video/presentation programs, web quizz...).
- All the assessment possibilities that exist and which supports you can use.

2 things I will do in my lessons:
- I'm going to use the resourche that new technologies offers me.
- I'm going to use some assessment techniques and resourches.

1 thing I will continue learning about:
- CLIL methodology and all the aspects I have to consider.

dissabte, 17 de desembre del 2016

My personal thoughts about the module V

What did you learn? 
I lerant new tools and resourches which I can use in my lessons in order to motivate the sudents and expand my knowledge and the way to teach.

How did you learn?  
I learnt through the information, videos and examples provides. And I also learnt a lot doing the tasks.
Do you have any problem?
No, I didn't have any problem.

Would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject?   
Yes, of course. This is a huge concept so it’s necessary go deep and learn more about that in order to do it the best way as possible. It’s necessary that teacher become aware of which are the best options in each case and how can do it.
Which question do you propose to someone who read this post to help you with CLIL?
Which other useful digital tools he/she know. Which strategies he/she uses with his/her pupils?

The elevator Pitch

Here you have my elevator Pitch about the CLIL unit plan called: Let's go for a trip around Europe.


My web tool

TITLE OF THE TASK: ITC support for the oral presentation
Pupils have to create an ITC support which help them during the oral presentation about the country they studied. They also can add photos and videos in the presentation in order to provide the rest of the class a main idea about the country more specific and clear and, at the same time, expose what they learned about the country along all the unit plan.
DESCRIPTION OF THE TASK: (What are they going to do? How are you going to organize them? Steps to follow and final product)
In cooperative groups they will have to elaborate from zero a competent ITC support that help them during the oral presentation.
They will have two sessions to create this tool they also could work it on at home in a extracurricular hours. In the first session they will have to decide which topics about the country they are going to talk about. After that they will have to summarize the information in order to create a visual slide and brings in new knowedlege to the rest to the class in an  audiovisual way for through videos. Slides have to be very visuals with a concret words. So first of all they have to decide what they want to explain and then summarize the infromation.
During the second lesson they will start to elaborate the Prezi presentation using pictures, phrases, vídeos and audios about the country.
Steps to follow till the final product:
1- Get information about the country and share it with the rest of the groupmates.
2- Summarize the information and underline the main ideas.
3- Think about which topics are going to talk in the oral presentation.
4- Think about which content is going to be in each slide and which resourches they can include (vídeos, photos...).
5- Elaborate the ITC support using the Prezi tool including photos, audios, videos, etc.
WEB TOOL (link): PREZi presentation

Prezi is a simple tool to elaborate your own presentation. The functioning is easy and very similar to Power Point presentations. You simple choose the text, pictures, vídeos, audios… you want in each slide and you create the presentation. You can edit the tipograpfy, the text size, colour and you also can add audios, youtube vídeos, your own vídeos, PDF documents, Power Point presentations… it’s very simple but at the same time is very complete!

dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2016

My personal thought

What did you learn?
I learnt different assessment techniques, which are the advantadges and the disavantadges of each one, in what moment  we can use them, etc. This module was really usefull and complete because the assessment it’s a really important part of the process.

How did you learn?
I learnt through the information, videos and examples provides. And I also learnt a lot doing the tasks.

Do you have any problem?
I didn’t have any problem but I think is one of the most difficult parts of the unit plan. It’s hard to know how to evaluate, what evaluate, when because exists a lot of possibilities and is an individually progress that each student do it in a different ways or time.

Would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject?
Yes, of course. As I said this is a huge concept so it’s necessary go deep and learn more about that in order to do it the best way as possible. It’s necessary that teacher become aware of which are the best options in the assessment and how can do it respecting the individual differences.

Which question do you propose to someone who read this post to help you with CLIL?
I will propose him/her to give me some more ideas about assessment techniques and excange with me some personal experiences.

A thinking routine for assessment

Thinking routines are a really powerful tool for assessment. They could help teachers to know where their students are, how they are starting the lesson, what they have understood or sometimes just what they like to know about the topic. 
Here you have an example of a thinking routine assessment contextualized in a project called Let's go for a trip around Europe.
  • Title of the thinking routine: What makes you say that?
  • Explanation: This routine helps students describe something they know  (object or convcept) and build explanations about that though evidential support reasoning. They also have to share their interpretations and, at the same time, understand alternatives and multiple persperctives. In this routine the basic questions are flexible (What do you know? What do you see or know that makes you say that?) that’s why it can be used in almost all the subjects or tasks: for works of art, historical artifacts, explore poems, make scientific observations and hypothesis or investigate more conceptual ideas. In addition this thinking routine it could be useful for gathering information when the teacher introduce a new topic.This routine starts in a class/group conversation around an object/topic. Then the teacher may scaffold students by continually asking the follow-up questions after a student gives an interpretation. While students are talking they have to support their interpretations/ideas with evidence in order to internalize the routine. When the routine is used in a group conversation it may be necessary to think about alternative forms of documentation for example: record class discussions using video or audio listening and noting students' use of language of thinking, make a chart or keep an ongoing list of explanations posted in the classroom,  students documenting their own interpretations through sketches, drawings, models and writing, etc.
  • Resources: For this activity pupils are going to need computers and internet with some webpages about European countries, atlas, maps, books in where they can
    find more information about the country they are studying.
  • How I’m going to use it?: According to that, in my case I’m going to use this thinking routine after the exercise to search and found information about one country’s topic. The students are going to work in cooperative groups and each group have to choose one European country and search information about that. In order to distribute the work, each student of the group is going to become an expert about one topic of the country (geography, climate, currency, culture and traditions, food, etc). So, idividually, they will have to search infromation about the topic of study using different tools (internet, books, atlas...). After this search information each student is going to expose through this thinking routine called What makes you say that? all they learned during the searching supporting their ideas with the information found. In this way all of the members of the grpuo are going to share theitr knowledge and are going to learn more about the country through the other groupmates work and contributions. After the shearing knowledge all the grpuo together is going to fill up a grill with the main information about each topic of the country of study in order to summarize all the infromation and the ideas and share them with the rest of the class and the teacher.
    This grill can also be a part of the assessment.


Self-assessment target

This is an idea about how to do a self-assessment target.Each student will have the target and the rubric. They will read the rubric and they will decide in each criteria what mark they have. So they will draw a spot in the point in which the line of the criteria joins the circle of the mark. With all the dots they will create an area and colour it. At the back part of the paper, they can explain the reasons and how to improve it.

Peer's assessment

Here you have an idea about how to do a peer's assessment.

Teacher's assessment specific Rubric (Final project, oral presentation)

Teacher's assessment general Rubric

This is the teacher's assessment general Rubric for the project Let's go for a trip around Europe.

diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

My personal thought

What did you learn?
I learnt to identify which communicative skills pupils need to develop or use during this unit plan. I also leared some cooperative techniques to develop in my classes in order to promote a cooperative work and learning. I learnt how to create an useful display to use in my lessons according to the contents I want to teach. Finally I learnt to think about the KWL chart and the needs that my students can have

How did you learn?
I lerant through the theory and all the activities that I had to do.

Do you have any problem?
Apparently  didn't had any problem.

Would you like to investigate a bit more about any subject?
Yes, I would like to know more about  displays and how to design this kind of material. I think it's so important to have an accurate material and an useful too. In this way students can have some supports that are going to let them be more autonomous with their work because their are going to believe in their possibilities and their succes.

Which question do you propose to someone who read this post to help you with CLIL?
I will say that I accept all kind of opinions because I would like to improve my task as a teacher.

The KWL chart

What do my students know about the topic befote I started the unit?
What do I want my student to learn along this unit?
What have my students learnt at the end of this unit?

- Which are the European countries; their name and their capitals.

- The main characteristics of each country: location, population, language, currency, culture, food, custom...

-  Understand concepts and apply them.

- Use and interpret globes, atlases and maps. 

- Use different sources of information.

- Describe the main characteristics of each European country and identify them in a mute map.

-  Carry out independent research and investigation: search, organize and synthesize information.

- Cooperate in group work.

- Use ICT tools to support and complete the work.

- The Europeans' politic geography and the countries' organization.

- The differences between Europeans' countries (landscape, food, culture, currency…).

- The existence of  the multiculturalism  and the multiples ways of living.

- How to cooperate in group.

- The value of others' people work.

My display for the class

For this unit I created a display for the class in order to help and support kids in their daily routine task.

This are posters with pictures and words about the vocabulary about the main topic.

There are another kind of posters with the main sentences structures to help pupil's oral expression. 

Here you go the full links with all the necessary vocabulary :

Cooperative learning

The class organitzation is about six cooperative groups of four people each one. There are also two of the cooperative techniques we are going to use during the unit plan

Cooperative Learning Technique 1: Jigsaw.
Task you are going to work: Pupils are going to search information about an European conuntry.  Each student is going to have a different role inside the group (spokesperson, secretary, moderator...).
At the same time they are going to get speciallized in one area of that country like geography and climate, culture and food, demography, popullation and currency, politics and flag, etc. In this way each kid is going to become an expert of some content related with the main topic which they are studing.

Cooperative Learning Technique 2: Round Robin.
Task you are going to work: Pupils are going to explain and share through turns to their group the information that he/she found from the country they are investigating.
This tecnique has to be implemented after the jigsaw technique. After this technique all the students of the group are going to know about one Europan country because all the kids are going to have the opportunity to share and express something new with their mates (opinions, ideas...).
At the same time they explain all the new contents, they are learning too because they have to remember what they learned and use an specific vocabulary. Sometimes is esay to understand something if somebody else explain it to you instead of read the information in a book.

Communicative skills

These are the communicartive skills that pupils are going to needand use along the unit plan:

CALP (Content Language)

Nouns: Country, borders, north, south, west, east, culture, food, celebrations, population, millions, currency, city, town, countryside, urban, climate, temperature, degrees, flag, region, area, landscape, sea, ocean, mountain, river, forest, trees, lake, name of the Europeans' countries in English.

Adjectives: Big, small, medium, huge, far, near, large, close, beautiful, noisy, quiet, calm, warm, cold, high, low, up, down.

- Superlatives and comparatives: the most, bigger than / the biggest, smaller than / the smallest, the best, the worst, better than…, worse than…
- Position prepositions: between... and..., next to..., ... is in...
- Countable uncontable: there is a..., there are...
- Verb to be and verb to have: …is... /…are..., this is…, … have/has...
- Present simple: we can see…,  we can imagine…
- Articles and connectors: … and…, but…, also, too…, the… of…

BIC (Basic Interpersonal Language)

Can you repeat it please?, Can I ask you something?, I have a question, I don’t understand that, How do you say… in English?, What is the meaning of …?, What we have to do?, Could you help me?, May I help you?, Can we do it in pairs/groups?, Can we do it at home?, Which activities we have to do?, What we have to look for?, Can I serach it on…?, Can we use…?, What materials we are going to need?, Can we start?, When can we do it?, Can we do it in this way?, Can you explain me…?, Can I tell you something?, What do you mean?

Language Through Scaffolded Language

In my opinion…, I think…, This is..., Because..., Maybe..., What do you think?, What is your opinion?, Why do you say that?, Can you explain that?, Are you agree?, I agree / I not agree, Please pay attention, Could you help me, please?, I understand your point of view but I think..., Can I add something?, How do you do that?, Who has the same opinion as me?, Can you argue that?, Which ideas do you have?, I’m going to explain what I found / think, I think like you, I share the same ideas as you, I’m not an expert but..., According to...